Brute force

The problem is very similar to the Problem 0069 as it also involves Euler's totient function. This problem asks to find the value of \( n \) for which \( \frac{n}{\phi(n)} \) is minimal and \( n \) is a permutation of \( \phi(n) \).

Thanks to the Problem 0069, generating a list of totients is easy.


def totient_list(n):
    tlist = list(range(n))
    for i in range(1, n):
        p = tlist[i]
        for j in range(2 * i, n, i):
            tlist[j] -= p
    return tlist

Therefore, filtering every totient that is not a permutation of its index and finding the minimum ratio is all that is left to do.


def totient_permutation(limit=10000001):
    totatives = totient_list(limit)
    totatives = ((n, t) for n, t in enumerate(totatives) if sorted(str(n)) == sorted(str(t)) and n > 1)
    return min(totatives, key=lambda x: x[0] / x[1])[0]