Better iteration and caching

The Brute force approach is fast enough because the solution is small. But the function that determines whether a number satisfies the Goldbach's other conjecture can be further optimized.

The key is to iterate through all double squares \( 2i^2 \) with \( i \leq \sqrt{\frac{n}{2}} \) and check whether \(n - 2i^2 \) is prime. Additionally, a cache of prime numbers can be used and updated when a new prime number is found. New primes can only be found if \( n \) is prime, because \( n - 2i^2 \) prime implies that a previous composite number was prime. Thus, the cache is updated if \( n \) is prime, if not, it can be used to determine whether \( n - 2i^2 \) is prime.


def is_odd_goldbach(n, primes_cache):
    if isprime(n):
        return True

    return any(n - 2 * i**2 in primes_cache for i in range(1, int(n**0.5) + 1))

The rest stays the same.


def goldbachs_other_conjecture():
    primes_cache = {2, 3, 5}
    for i in itertools.count(7, 2):
        if not is_odd_goldbach(i, primes_cache):
            return i