Least common multiple

Actually, the problem is to find the least common multiple which is:

\[ LCT(1, 2, ..., N) \]

To find the \( LCT \) of \( 1 \) through \( N \), we need all the primes \( \leqslant N \). For each prime, we need its maximum power that won't exceed \( N \). Which can be done easily using logarithms:

\[ \begin{align} p^{k} &\leqslant N\\ k\log( p) &\leqslant \log( N)\\ k&=\left\lfloor \frac{\log( N)}{\log( p)}\right\rfloor\\ \end{align} \]

So the \( LCT \) of \( 1 \) through \( N \) is:

\[ \prod p^{\left\lfloor \frac{\log(N)}{\log(p)} \right\rfloor } \]

We also know that it's pointless to search the maximum power of primes greater than \( \sqrt{n} \) because it will always be 1.

From solution3.py:

def smallest_multiple(n=20):
    # Returns a list of all primes <= n
    primes = sieve.primerange(n + 1)
    sqrt_n, log_n = sqrt(n), log(n)
    res = 1
    for p in primes:
        if p < sqrt_n:
            res *= p ** (floor(log_n / log(p)))
            res *= p

    return res