Brute force

I choose to take one number as a seed, and detect if the product of this seed can form a pandigital number. To do this, you multiply the seed number by increasing numbers until the resulting number is either greater than 9 digits or a pandigital number. Python's string functions make it easy to concatenate numbers, and a set is used to check if a number is pandigital.


def is_pandigital_multiples(seed):
    digits = str(seed)
    for j in itertools.count(2):
        digits += str(seed * j)
        if len(digits) > 9:
            return -1
        if len(digits) == 9 and set(digits) == set("123456789"):
            return int(digits)

The maximum value for the seed is 10000 because if we multiply 10000 by 1 and 2 and concatenate the results, we get a 10-digit number, which cannot be pandigital. The solution is then given by iterating over every seed and returning the maximum pandigital number found.


def pandigital_multiples():
    return max(is_pandigital_multiples(seed) for seed in range(1, 10000))