Brute force

We are searching for \( a \), \( b \) and \( c \) such that \( a < b < c \), \( a + b + c = 1000 \) and \( a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \). The brute force solution will simply iterate to 1000 for \( a \), \( b \) and \( c \) and stop when the above equations are true.


def special_pythagorean_triplet():
    for a in range(1001):
        for b in range(a + 1, 1001):
            for c in range(b + 1, 1001):
                if a + b + c == 1000 and a**2 + b**2 == c**2:
                    return a * b * c

    return -1