Project Euler

0001-01-01T00:00:00Z | 2 minute read | Updated at 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z

Project Euler

I like maths, programming and problem-solving. Fortunately, Project-Euler combines all three!

Too Long, Didn't Read!

I discovered Project Euler in 2020 and enjoyed solving problems during my computer science studies. After a break, I revisited it in 2023 with a focus on writing detailed, and incremental solutions to improve my communication skills. Check out my solutions on Project Euler and find the source code on GitHub

Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems

I discovered this website in 2020 during my second year of studying computer science. I really enjoyed my algorithms course and often finished my TD (practical work) early, even before the session dedicated to it. Finishing the TD while following the lecture was quite fun!. So, I would either help others or spend time (over) optimizing my code. At some point, my teacher told me about this website, and I spent some time looking at the problems.

I solved the first 40 problems in the following months, then stopped. I don’t really remember why, but it was probably because of the beginning of a new project (Hello, my dear OCR).

In 2023, I decided to revisit Project Euler, but in a more structured way. I wanted to work on my explanatory skills, so I decided to approach each problem incrementally, starting with the simple, inefficient solution – usually brute-force – and then try to improve it.

More importantly, for every problem and every solution, I write an extensive and hopefully understandable explanation. This helps me remember the solution, and it is a good exercise to train my writing skills.

I haven’t updated this page for a while because writing solutions takes a lot of time, and I find it hard to dedicate long periods to this. With time, I’ll be able to complete the milestone of the first 100 problems and continue working on the more difficult – and more interesting – problems.

If you’re interested in my work, you can find the documentation presenting every solution I coded in python at this address: Project Euler with the source code available on my GitHub.

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About me

Greetings, I’m TurtleSmoke, a software engineer pursuing a PhD in computer vision and machine learning!

As an open-source enthusiast, everything I do is available on my GitHub. If anything you read catches your eye, you’ll always find it there!

Where is the source code?

The source code of this website is available on GitHub.

Why creating this website?

This website will present all my projects, mostly to keep track of them, but also to improve my skills in λόγος and λέξις, defined by Aristotle as “fond et forme” in French, or “content and form” in English.