
0001-01-01T00:00:00Z | 3 minute read | Updated at 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z


LeetCode is famous for its coding problems. I really like solving problems, so I had to try it out, and somehow I’ve been doing the daily challenges for a while now.

Too Long, Didn't Read!

I love problem-solving, and LeetCode is a great playground to keep my skills sharp. Because like any good programmer, I'd rather waste 10 hours automating a 5-minute task, I created a tool to generate the problems, the testsuite, and push to LeetCode. It's been working for some months now, and I can't see myself doing the problems without it. Now, I simply open my IDE, run "generate", solve the problem, and "publish" it back. Curious about my solutions or the tool? Check out the source code on GitHub!

LeetCode is a website that provides a series of coding problems.

My LeetCode journey began over four years ago, on April 2, 2020, during my first year of engineering school. I was just starting to learn C# at the time, and I wanted to try out some problems to see if I could solve them.

My first submission? A glorious “Compile Error”:

First submission

At least I was consistent: my instinct to code at 2 a.m. was already strong back then—a true mark of a programmer, right?

Of course, my second submission was much better - no more “Compile Error”, but a “Runtime Error”… Classic out-of-bounds… But hey, third time’s a charm, and I finally got my first… “Wrong Answer”!

Persistence paid off, as always. After yet another “Runtime Error” (because why bother checking your code when the machine can do it for you?), I finally got the coveted “Accepted”!

While still in the mood, I did a second problem, this time in C. I didn’t learn about pointers back then, so at 3am and after a few rounds of “Compile Error” I just gave up, went to bed, and as they say, sleep on it. The next day, I solved it in a few minutes.

I took a long break from LeetCode, but in December 2023, during Advent of Code, I rediscovered my love for solving programming puzzles. And so, I decide to give LeetCode another try, and I’ve been tackling the daily challenges ever since.

After having a blast automating problem generation for Advent of Code, I figured, why not do the same for LeetCode? So, I built a script that generates the problem template, sets up a test suite, and pushes my solution back to LeetCode.

Building this tool wasn’t as simple as I expected, though. LeetCode had made their API private, so I had to reverse-engineer their GraphQL queries. This involved a lot of console inspecting and clicking everywhere to figure out what was going on. But eventually, I built something solid that’s been working for months.

Now, solving LeetCode problems is as simple as opening my IDE, running my “generate” command, coding up the solution, and hitting “publish.” I can’t imagine going back to the manual way of doing it, even if it’s just a few clicks.

Curious about the tool or want to see my LeetCode solutions? You can find everything on my GitHub.

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About me

Greetings, I’m TurtleSmoke, a software engineer pursuing a PhD in computer vision and machine learning!

As an open-source enthusiast, everything I do is available on my GitHub. If anything you read catches your eye, you’ll always find it there!

Where is the source code?

The source code of this website is available on GitHub.

Why creating this website?

This website will present all my projects, mostly to keep track of them, but also to improve my skills in λόγος and λέξις, defined by Aristotle as “fond et forme” in French, or “content and form” in English.